Redefining The Term ‘Florida Man’ – How Congressional Candidate Ken Russell (FL-27) Is Raising The Bar In Social Politics

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The November 2022 midterm elections are fast approaching and all 435 congressional seats are at stake. 35 seats are up for election for the U.S. Senate, as well as 36 gubernatorial seats, Texas being one of the most anticipated races throughout the country. Politicians like Beto O’Rourke and Katie Porter have great social media presence, in that they use it pretty effectively to communicate to the public. However, congressional candidate Ken Russell for Florida District 27, is on another level. Not only does he make it a point to communicate to the public, but he communicates with the public, unheard of!

Where I feel many politicians on both sides of the aisle, and everywhere in between, fail in social politics, is in their lack of engagement with their online constituents. The people take the time to read political tweets/posts and comment either positively or negatively. But sometimes there’s actual legitimate follow up questions that simply go unanswered. I don’t quite get the point of politicians just throwing out statements on platforms meant for communication, and not communicating! What’s the point!?

I’m here to tell you, Ken Russell is doing social politics RIGHT, and I need every politician who is running for change in the senate, to take some damn notes. Let me lay it out for you…

I first became aware of Ken Russell when he posted the following TikTok.


I have some friends that would like to meet @joe f. #fishandwildlife #coastguard #stateattorney @SurfriderFoundation @captainsforcleanwater #waterquality #pollution

♬ original sound – true

A Louisiana man (stupidly) recorded himself littering in the ocean and posted it for all to see. Ken Russell put out a call to action asking the public to help him catch this litter bug. Within a few hours, the internet sleuths dug up this guys location, job, family history, probably his dogs name too! It was quite impressive to see! I was even more impressed that Mr. Ken Russell posted several follow up videos making sure to let the people know, the purpose was not to dox this man, but to charge him with any appropriate fines. He immediately earned a follow from me!

Now I have to admit, when I saw the following TikTok, I completely lost it!

I mean this man is a genius! Not only did he make a response video to someones question, but he brought the frickin receipts! This TikTok is not only fun, but it’s informative, and meant to tell the public where he’s at on the issues. Like whaaaaaat!!! What politician does this!? I love it!

Ken Russell has over 450 TikToks covering a wide range of important sociopolitical topics, not just for Floridians, but for all of us. This absolute genius TikTok is now making waves again (as it should). Let’s just say, when someone tells Ken Russell he needs to reach a specific demographic, he throws his hand up in the air, drops it, pops it, and locks in your attention!


#stitch with @skylarstecker Aaah @Che Durena just checking if your followers #VOTE

♬ original sound – Ken Russell

I could go on about Ken Russell, forever! I wish I could vote for him, but I’m in California, and he’s in Florida, it’s just not meant to be. He does give me hope however for that poor ‘red-headed-step-child’ of a state. I do believe he is redefining the term “Florida Man”, one TikTok at a time. He has most certainly set the standard for how politicians should be using social media. My feeling is, if you aren’t running your social media campaigns like Ken Russell, you’re throwing away votes. Get on it!

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